Quotes time: Keep on going!

When you try to make a huge change it usually happens that life gives you obstacles to test you how much you actually want what you’re after. The key to success is not to give up that easily and keep on going.

Here are a few quotes that will help you stay motivated! Johnny Depp knows what he’s talking about 😉 Continue reading

Catherine Zeta-Jones & Renée Zellweger – I Move On

Out of hundreds of positive and motivating songs I know, there is one that holds a very special place in my heart. This classic from ‘Chicago’ movie simply never fails to cheer me up and make me feel strong enough to keep going no matter what. Take a look at the lyrics, so uplifting!

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Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened – Dr. Seuss

When I look out the window on the gloomy autumn days, I often catch myself getting melancholic and sad. There’s just something depressing about the rain and the lack of sunshine. However, luckily there are some ways that can instantly cheer up even the most prone to getting depressed souls.

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Quotes time!

We all know that sometimes there’s nothing better to boost our happiness than a brief and still full of wisdom sentence that says it all. So here is a collection of my favorite quotes:

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

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Try this at home! – a daily confidence exercise

As I promised yesterday, today I’m going to present you, dear Readers, a before-sleep exercise, which effectiveness I have checked on my own skin. Continue reading

45 minutes to save the world!

Think about the last 45 minutes of your day.  What do you usually spend it doing? Playing computer games? Watching silly TV programmes? Contemplating your day? Worrying about tomorrow? Well, whatever you do, it has twice as much impact on you just because it’s done during those crucial 45 minutes before your sleep. Continue reading

The Beatles – Here Comes The Sun

Here’s just another positive incentive!

This classic by The Beatles may be about the upcoming summer, but also, metaphorically, about the fact that every bad situation comes to an end and then the sun comes back to your life 🙂

So don’t worry! Whatever happened, it won’t last forever.

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