Today, I’m reposting another poem from my poetry blog. As you can see from the title, it’s about perfection, which I think lies in the simplest things. The only difficulty is to actually notice it around you and embrace it. I believe that being attentive to those perfect little moments of enjoying an amazing landscape or the sunbeams on your skin is crucial in the overall experience of happiness and fulfilment.
creative writing
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened – Dr. Seuss
When I look out the window on the gloomy autumn days, I often catch myself getting melancholic and sad. There’s just something depressing about the rain and the lack of sunshine. However, luckily there are some ways that can instantly cheer up even the most prone to getting depressed souls.
Secret revealed
Another one of my positive poems on the purpose of life which is nothing more and nothing less but happiness!
Here’s a piece of my original poetry for your enjoyment! This is a poem about seeing beauty in every single detail of the world surrounding you, enjoying life with every sense. If you look at the world lovingly, the world will respond in the same way! Remember, what you give is what you get. This especially applies to the energy we send out ourselves.
Look around! The beauty is all around you. You just need to observe more carefully 😉