I haven’t been writing for quite a while, so I thought it’s high time to do so… The autumn has brought the cold and gloomy days and more and more often I find myself staying at home instead of going out, drinking hot chocolate or a nice spicy tea, usually chai. And when it comes to this type of tea, there is one brand I have recently fell in love with, which offers delicious teas with really rich flavours. Plus, to each teabag there is a tiny paper with a wise quote attached. This is a feature that I must say, I absolutely adore! Continue reading
Are you still stuck in the misconceptions about love?
Today I have one long quote for you. I think it’s really worth reading and thinking about. Especially, that love is misinterpreted so often everywhere around us and I believe it to be one of the main reasons why that many people in the modern societies end up feeling unhappy and frustrated with life. Continue reading
Quotes: The ultimate inspiration
Some people may hate quotes calling them cheesy or naive but I, for one, just adore them! For me, they are the most compact form of motivation and inspiration. This week’s theme: Be Yourself! Here are the highlights: Continue reading
Quotes time: Keep on going!
When you try to make a huge change it usually happens that life gives you obstacles to test you how much you actually want what you’re after. The key to success is not to give up that easily and keep on going.
Here are a few quotes that will help you stay motivated! Johnny Depp knows what he’s talking about 😉 Continue reading
It’s all about the perception!
Here is the new portion of positive quotes for this week. As usual – straight to the point, they show a way of thinking that once actually implemented in every day life, could change your world significantly. It’s all about the perception and your conscious choice of the way you think! Enjoy! 😉 Continue reading
Quotes – Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration
The weekend is coming and it’s time for some positive inspiration! Here is a collection of a few quotes I’ve found particularly true and uplifting. As cliché as they may sound, they actually give some straight to-the-point advice on how to be happy in life. Enjoy! 🙂 Continue reading
True happiness lies within…
Every once in a while each of us encounters those special words on our way. It might be one sentence or a few, but it has an extremely powerful impact on us and can provoke a massive shift in thinking. Often, these words come to you when you least expect them, from a place where you would least expect them to appear. Not a long time ago, I’ve encountered this kind of quote in a song of Chrysta Bell and David Lynch. It’s about searching for happiness within yourself instead of the outside world. I find it really true for myself.
Quotes time!
We all know that sometimes there’s nothing better to boost our happiness than a brief and still full of wisdom sentence that says it all. So here is a collection of my favorite quotes:
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss