We live in the age of information. Nowadays, more than ever we have access to thousands of sources of information. Even when we’re not looking for it, it creeps up on us on our Facebook or Instagram feeds, it sneaks into YouTube videos that we watch. Even our smartphones can surprise us with notifications of random articles we “might be interested in”. In this vast sea of information, it is hard not to come across sources that are completely contradictory, despite each being backed by “trustworthy” individuals or even science. Perhaps we are conditioned to seek for something that is the ultimate, undeniable truth but what if such truth does not actually exist?
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Life as a chain of rejections
Today it stroke me that in any given area in life we are bound to receive more rejections than “yes’es”. Whether you’re applying for an admission to a school, for a job, to a literary agent to consider your manuscript or even trying to get a date, an average person will get dozens or even hundreds of “no’s” before that one human on the other end comes along and accepts their offer. Continue reading
On Nihilism and Happiness
These days I find myself at a certain crossroad, a culminating point in my life so to speak.
As soon as you finally graduate from college, after the initial thrill of achieving presumed freedom after years of education – freedom from exams, freedom from having all your spare time organized by other people’s requests and agendas, you find yourself facing a decision of a career to follow and the lifestyle that will inevitably come with it. You realize that you are facing another 40 or more years of your life spent as a sort of slave. Whether it is for someone else or your own business, you’re never ultimately free. Continue reading
Life as a game and how to play it right
Have you ever found yourself asking questions, such as ‘Why is life so hard?’ ‘Why do things have to be so complicated?’… I surely have. And you know what? At some point I realized that everything is truly as complicated as we make it. Continue reading
The answer
What is love? This question has been asked so many times and yet everyone you may have asked have most likely had a completely different answer. In truth, love is just a word. It’s a word every single person defines on their own. It’s an abstraction and just as with many other emotions, no one can really claim to know the single true meaning of it. Continue reading
The beautiful mind – reflections on how we limit ourselves
Lately, I caught myself torn between two (possibly even three) distinct ideas for my future career, almost paralyzed by the idea of sharing my time between two completely different goals. After all, we have all been taught that in order to achieve anything, we should choose one path and follow it with abandon, constantly taking steps and educating ourselves in this chosen field. On the other hand, I couldn’t quite accept the idea of choosing only one career. Continue reading
On approach to life – to fight or to ‘f**k it’?
Through the years of studying different approaches to life and searching for answers, I have come across two major concepts. Even though seemingly contradictory, both of them resonated with me to a huge extent. Continue reading
There are no mistakes…
Many people tend to be afraid of having to make decisions. If you ask such a person ‘why’, they will normally tell you that they are afraid of making a mistake, choosing the wrong option. However, when we come to think of it, are things in life really either black or white? And thus can an option only be either a mistake or the right choice? Continue reading
True independence – does it exist?
Recently, I have been thinking about independence. Oftentimes we call ourselves independent when we start making decisions for ourselves or earning our living. When it comes to financial independence, it makes sense – when we grow up and start working, we become financially independent from our parents. However, what about the choices and decisions that we make? Are they truly independent? Continue reading
A few serious words from the past
Recently, I’ve been cleaning and I have come across something I have forgotten about a long time ago. It was a white A4 page covered on both sides with words. And these words formed an article which has contained my reflections on life. I have written it years ago – I must have been around 16 or 17 years old. Also, for this reason I was really surprised when I read it. It seems that my views and observations that I have found so true in life and have forgotten for many years, have already appeared back then. And it sounds refreshing written in the words of a teen! That’s why I want to share it with you. Hopefully, someone apart from me will find it equally interesting (and at times also funny 😉 ). Continue reading