On Nihilism and Happiness

These days I find myself at a certain crossroad, a culminating point in my life so to speak.

As soon as you finally graduate from college, after the initial thrill of achieving presumed freedom after years of education – freedom from exams, freedom from having all your spare time organized by other people’s requests and agendas, you find yourself facing a decision of a career to follow and the lifestyle that will inevitably come with it. You realize that you are facing another 40 or more years of your life spent as a sort of slave. Whether it is for someone else or your own business, you’re never ultimately free. Continue reading

Quotes time!

We all know that sometimes there’s nothing better to boost our happiness than a brief and still full of wisdom sentence that says it all. So here is a collection of my favorite quotes:

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

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