I haven’t been writing for quite a while, so I thought it’s high time to do so… The autumn has brought the cold and gloomy days and more and more often I find myself staying at home instead of going out, drinking hot chocolate or a nice spicy tea, usually chai. And when it comes to this type of tea, there is one brand I have recently fell in love with, which offers delicious teas with really rich flavours. Plus, to each teabag there is a tiny paper with a wise quote attached. This is a feature that I must say, I absolutely adore! Continue reading
Vlog #3: How to end procrastination and move forward with your life
Autumn has arrived and the gloomy days aren’t particularly serving us to get motivated and move forward with our lives. That’s why in today’s vlog I’ve decided to talk about the strategies for ending procrastination and motivating yourself to move faster towards your goals. I hope they will help you as much as they helped me! 🙂 Continue reading
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened – Dr. Seuss
When I look out the window on the gloomy autumn days, I often catch myself getting melancholic and sad. There’s just something depressing about the rain and the lack of sunshine. However, luckily there are some ways that can instantly cheer up even the most prone to getting depressed souls.