How to overcome obstacles and frustrations and make the best out of them

Sometimes in life we find ourselves faced with obstacles or situations that we don’t agree with but cannot necessarily do much about. It can be a decision someone else has made that affects you in some way or an unfavorable circumstance. If you’re feeling stuck or frustrated in a situation like this and it seems like your world is falling apart, be aware that regardless of what’s happening, you have control over how you choose to react and therefore, how quickly you pull yourself out of the negative feelings. Below are the steps I use to pull myself up and stay calm and happy whatever obstacle comes my way.1_AW5XqyaroN6VLCdG3IKuLw Continue reading

Quarantine survival guide – 10 tips to turn the curse into a blessing

The past weeks it seems that the topic of coronavirus has inserted itself into every single aspect of our lives. It appears to be the only thing everyone is talking about, it’s all over the news and what is more, it’s directly affecting our lives by governments recommending (or in some cases – forcing) their citizens to stay in their homes in order to cap the rapid spread of the disease. While many people are complaining how this is destroying their social lives or stressing themselves out about contracting the disease or worrying about where this is all leading, I would like to present maybe a somewhat controversial view on the whole situation. What if this could actually be a blessing for many of us? Continue reading

On chasing happiness

The 4th season of one of my favorite series (“The Good Place”) has just ended and I found that it touches on something that was on my mind for quite a while now. What if we were able to get everything we wanted in exactly the way and time we wanted? Isn’t it actually the things that we don’t expect and don’t even imagine they could happen that bring us the most joy and wonder in life?

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Can you be an optimist without expectations?

Sometimes when we think about the future, we can find ourselves lost in pessimistic visions that create nothing but unnecessary fear and worry in us. Since no one can really predict what is going to happen, I believe such thoughts are better to be avoided. They will not prevent anything and just worrying about something that may never even occur seems pointless if you look at it from a rational point of view. Continue reading

Teabag wisdom

DSC00479I haven’t been writing for quite a while, so I thought it’s high time to do so… The autumn has brought the cold and gloomy days and more and more often I find myself staying at home instead of going out, drinking hot chocolate or a nice spicy tea, usually chai. And when it comes to this type of tea, there is one brand I have recently fell in love with, which offers delicious teas with really rich flavours. Plus, to each teabag there is a tiny paper with a wise quote attached. This is a feature that I must say, I absolutely adore! Continue reading

Start believing – start achieving

I would like to share with you an amazing video I have come across a few days ago. I’ve known Anthony Robbins and his teachings for quite a long time now, but this particular interview shook me completely. The famous coach interviews two self-made multimillionaires, who have earned their fortunes working online. In the video, they all brainstorm the reasons and differences between people who succeed hugely and those, who struggle for years to make a dime. Continue reading