Some people say that you can’t possibly be happy and positive all the time. However, I cannot help but disagree with this statement. In today’s vlog you will find my simple formula for happiness (as cheesy as it may sound…). Continue reading
Month: November 2014
Teabag wisdom
I haven’t been writing for quite a while, so I thought it’s high time to do so… The autumn has brought the cold and gloomy days and more and more often I find myself staying at home instead of going out, drinking hot chocolate or a nice spicy tea, usually chai. And when it comes to this type of tea, there is one brand I have recently fell in love with, which offers delicious teas with really rich flavours. Plus, to each teabag there is a tiny paper with a wise quote attached. This is a feature that I must say, I absolutely adore! Continue reading
Vlog#6: If you’re facing obstacles, this is for you!
Recently, I have been facing quite a few obstacles on my way and I know how bad it can feel when you’re struggling to achieve your goals. However, these obstacles are inevitable and in the end if you know how to approach them, they can easily turn into something positive. Continue reading
Vlog #5: The power of gratitude
Today I’m posting a very short but still powerful video on how being more grateful for what you already have can positively impact your life. Continue reading
Vlog #4: Why fear is not an excuse
In today’s vlog I’m talking about fear and why you should never believe people who say it’s ok to be afraid and do nothing about it. Enjoy the video, I hope it will bring some value to your day! 🙂 Continue reading