How fairy tales can prevent us from finding true happiness

993310_1333673337538_fullFrom the earliest years we are told countless fairy tales. The little girls are fed with all those stories where the handsome prince comes on the white horse saving the princess… And they live happily ever after… However, no one seems to realize that these repeated threads stay in the subconsciousness of the child, creating the false presumptions in their later life. Continue reading

The key to good relationships with people

We all have many different kinds of relationships in our lives. Whether it’s a relationship with our family members, friends, lovers or business partners, many people sooner or later seem to face crisis, misunderstandings or even fights. I believe that more often than not these problems can be avoided by working on the way we communicate with other people. Continue reading

Vlog: Strategy which will help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions!

New Year is a popular time for writing lists of New Year’s resolutions. Almost every person does that but hardly any end up sticking to them and actually succeeding in the long run. In this brand new vlog, I will introduce you to my strategy which will help you stick to your resolutions this year! Continue reading

Teabag wisdom

DSC00479I haven’t been writing for quite a while, so I thought it’s high time to do so… The autumn has brought the cold and gloomy days and more and more often I find myself staying at home instead of going out, drinking hot chocolate or a nice spicy tea, usually chai. And when it comes to this type of tea, there is one brand I have recently fell in love with, which offers delicious teas with really rich flavours. Plus, to each teabag there is a tiny paper with a wise quote attached. This is a feature that I must say, I absolutely adore! Continue reading