How to heal your childhood wounds – according to my dream

All of us, without exceptions, carry subconscious childhood wounds into our adult life. These, if unattended, can guide our behaviours and opinions without us even realizing it. One of the greatest Swiss psychologists, Carl Jung, believed in the importance of integration of our unconscious with the conscious as a way to get closer to our true self. One of the methods he proposed for doing this was dream analysis which he believed to be a very personal thing. Dream interpretation, as he pointed out, has to come from our inner feeling about various dream symbols rather than generic definitions as many modern dream interpretation guides suggest. It seems reasonable given that the same object can mean many different things to different people depending on the culture or associated memories and experiences.

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Life changing benefits of lucid dreaming

As the lockdown continues, I found myself in need for a new absorbing hobby. For some reason unknown to me, when I was ordering books on Amazon, a book called A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming was recommended to me and I spontaneously decided to go for it. I have heard of lucid dreaming before and I even tried the very simplest technique for a bit succeeding in getting lucid in one dream for literally a couple of seconds before waking up, but I never gave much more thought into it or really saw many advantages of even taking the effort to do it at all (and it is, I must say, a substantial effort). However, upon completing the book, I was sold on the idea and having been developing this skill for roughly two months now, I see even more surprising benefits to it than mentioned in the book, and not only from the lucid dreaming itself but also from practicing the techniques that help develop it. It being not such a popular or very well understood skill just yet, I would like to share with you the changes I saw in my life through the practice and perhaps inspire you to try it out for yourself.

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Is your past holding you back?

We live in a world in which people define each other and themselves based on accomplishments, titles, things we have heard about others or their circumstances. Even in therapy, the emphasis is put on talking about our childhoods or past experiences. We are made to believe that the events that happened in our past define us and forever shape our lives. But is it really true? Does the past have to be this chain dragging us down our whole lives? Is there a way to free ourselves from it?

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How food intolerance changed my life… for the better

It all started quite innocently. About 4-5 years ago I started developing mild digestive issues and I wouldn’t think much of it. I would occasionally feel nauseated after eating, I would sometimes feel bloated. I would start feeling tired all the time so I ended up going out less and less. I figured it must be something normal that comes with age and years of partying and drinking. But then the pains started. Stomach pains so excruciating that regular over-the-counter painkillers would do nothing for me. The first time it happened, I ended up in an emergency room with painkillers pumped into my veins. And the search of the culprit began.

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How to become truly free

From early on we are judged by preconceived standards and pushed into predefined labels. Things happen, we behave in a certain way and suddenly, before we realize it, it becomes who we are. By subconscious interpretation of events and other people’s reactions, we find ourselves defining who we are. It becomes our comfort zone – the comfort of knowing one’s identity. It starts with ‘I am a funny guy’, ‘I am a smart girl’, ‘I am pretty but I lack brains’, ‘I am good at sports’, ‘I am a rebel’, ‘I am an outcast’, ‘I am shy’, ‘I am unattractive’. As we grow up, it becomes ‘I am a banker’, ‘I am an average worker’, ‘I am a yoga teacher’, ‘I am a Christian’, ‘I am a mother’, ‘I am single’, ‘I am fat’, ‘I am a smoker’… 

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How to overcome obstacles and frustrations and make the best out of them

Sometimes in life we find ourselves faced with obstacles or situations that we don’t agree with but cannot necessarily do much about. It can be a decision someone else has made that affects you in some way or an unfavorable circumstance. If you’re feeling stuck or frustrated in a situation like this and it seems like your world is falling apart, be aware that regardless of what’s happening, you have control over how you choose to react and therefore, how quickly you pull yourself out of the negative feelings. Below are the steps I use to pull myself up and stay calm and happy whatever obstacle comes my way.1_AW5XqyaroN6VLCdG3IKuLw Continue reading

High-vibe inspiration – my top 20+1 books, movies, series and songs

I believe that what we read, watch or listen to has a huge impact not only on our mood at the moment but also on beliefs we develop and ultimately who we become. Think of it like food for the mind. If you eat trashy food for a long period of time, you probably won’t look or feel great in your body. It’s the same with the content you allow to reach your mind. If you keep on watching romantic comedies where women’s only goal in life is to find a boyfriend or get married, you will very likely find yourself blindly chasing these things in your life too. Or if you listen to a lot of hip hop and R&B with lyrics that objectify women, you might find yourself subconsciously absorbing these beliefs and even if you’re female, you might find that you catch yourself behaving in ways that might make you feel unworthy or disrespected or judge other women through such lens. As many of us find themselves with extra time on our hands these days, I would like to share with you a list of my top high value content when it comes to things to read, watch and listen to in case you find yourself out of ideas or having re-watched all seasons of Jersey Shore find yourself craving for some more inspiring and empowering content 😉

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Us against the world

I used to be scared. I used to think most people are mean, want to scam me or hurt me. And thus, I isolated myself. I avoided too much human contact. I was afraid to meet new people because I expected them to judge my behaviour, my looks, my personality.

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How to rid yourself of the dependency on other people

Have you ever felt lonely? Have you ever had a moment when you desperately needed support but everyone around was too busy to give it to you? Have you ever had to say goodbye to a long-term relationship and found yourself with a hole after that person, emptiness that you weren’t really sure how to fill? Have you ever found yourself in a desperate need to cheer up but weren’t sure how to do it? I guess we all have. It’s an inevitable part of the journey that human life is, to find yourself hurt or upset or desire attention from others. Today I would like to share with you a little cognitive therapy technique I have learnt, which has helped me immensely to instantly boost my mood in moments when I find myself feeling sad, neglected or lonely. Continue reading

Are we conditioned to hate our jobs?

With the end of Christmas time and the beginning of the new year, there inevitably comes the day of the return to offices and schools. As this day approaches, the social media as well as our own conversations become flooded with sorrowful complaints that the free time is over. And it is in the middle of all this that I find myself wondering why. Continue reading