In this short vlog I will tell you a little secret to why the end result/reaching your goals isn’t the most important thing in fighting for your dreams…
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Thanks for your thoughtful words about the most important goal. Life is filled with ‘no’ as well as ‘yes.’ Sometimes I find the ‘no’ parts not much fun. I also realize I they help me grow. At least I know what not to do next time!
May I point out that the growth is not derived from SETTING the goal, rather from WORKING toward the goal. One of the worst times for goal setting is December 31st, where many (most?) people make New Year’s Resolutions of ways they will make the next year better. Within a couple of weeks, many (most!) have fallen by the wayside. [I stopped making ‘resolutions’ about 10 years ago and since have made ‘intentions’ which has helped me to be more successful. When I slip up on an intention, it is less discouraging than to break a resolution, and easier to pick up again.]
I whole heartedly agree the destination (while valuable and worthy) is shadowed in significance by the process of getting there. And another suggested idea is to use your progress along the path to set another destination a ways past your goal. Use your (nearly completed) desire as a way point for ever higher dreams and aspirations.
In this way, growth doesn’t stop while you sit at the top of a mountain enjoying the view. It encourages you to start towards the next peak just over there…
Great encouragement in the vlog. Thanks
Phred the Elder