Recently, I’ve been cleaning and I have come across something I have forgotten about a long time ago. It was a white A4 page covered on both sides with words. And these words formed an article which has contained my reflections on life. I have written it years ago – I must have been around 16 or 17 years old. Also, for this reason I was really surprised when I read it. It seems that my views and observations that I have found so true in life and have forgotten for many years, have already appeared back then. And it sounds refreshing written in the words of a teen! That’s why I want to share it with you. Hopefully, someone apart from me will find it equally interesting (and at times also funny 😉 ). Continue reading
A thought from high above
Recently, I had travelled a lot and that also included plenty of flights. There are many people I know who are afraid of flying or simply do not enjoy it because of the discomfort of dry air and the pressure which plugs their ears. As for me, I have always had positive associations with being on an airplane. And, surprisingly, it’s not because of the sense of adventures waiting for me when I arrive at my destination. Continue reading