We live in the age of information. Nowadays, more than ever we have access to thousands of sources of information. Even when we’re not looking for it, it creeps up on us on our Facebook or Instagram feeds, it sneaks into YouTube videos that we watch. Even our smartphones can surprise us with notifications of random articles we “might be interested in”. In this vast sea of information, it is hard not to come across sources that are completely contradictory, despite each being backed by “trustworthy” individuals or even science. Perhaps we are conditioned to seek for something that is the ultimate, undeniable truth but what if such truth does not actually exist?
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High-vibe inspiration – my top 20+1 books, movies, series and songs
I believe that what we read, watch or listen to has a huge impact not only on our mood at the moment but also on beliefs we develop and ultimately who we become. Think of it like food for the mind. If you eat trashy food for a long period of time, you probably won’t look or feel great in your body. It’s the same with the content you allow to reach your mind. If you keep on watching romantic comedies where women’s only goal in life is to find a boyfriend or get married, you will very likely find yourself blindly chasing these things in your life too. Or if you listen to a lot of hip hop and R&B with lyrics that objectify women, you might find yourself subconsciously absorbing these beliefs and even if you’re female, you might find that you catch yourself behaving in ways that might make you feel unworthy or disrespected or judge other women through such lens. As many of us find themselves with extra time on our hands these days, I would like to share with you a list of my top high value content when it comes to things to read, watch and listen to in case you find yourself out of ideas or having re-watched all seasons of Jersey Shore find yourself craving for some more inspiring and empowering content 😉
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