How food intolerance changed my life… for the better

It all started quite innocently. About 4-5 years ago I started developing mild digestive issues and I wouldn’t think much of it. I would occasionally feel nauseated after eating, I would sometimes feel bloated. I would start feeling tired all the time so I ended up going out less and less. I figured it must be something normal that comes with age and years of partying and drinking. But then the pains started. Stomach pains so excruciating that regular over-the-counter painkillers would do nothing for me. The first time it happened, I ended up in an emergency room with painkillers pumped into my veins. And the search of the culprit began.

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Why you need to start changing your life by changing what you put on your plate

It’s hard to find a person who hasn’t heard about the need to eat healthy. We hear almost every day that the preservatives in food are bad for us, that eating sugar causes wrinkles, diabetes and cancer and that eating greasy foods leads to heart diseases. Still, it seems that often times people LISTEN to all the advice but don’t actually end up HEARING it. Continue reading